

Facts about enlarged thyroid gland or goiter

Made on thyroid increased thyroid engorged, or the goître, is the thyroid disorder most widespread. If you have thyroid ignited, it inevitably does not mean that your thyroid gland does not function correctly; it describes just the size of gland. The goître is five to ten times more regular among women than at the men. The factors which affect the development of thyroid increased can be genetic, autoimmune and extrinsic influences.

The goître create a center of l' attention parce qu' they seem masses with the lower frontage of the neck. D' others can see the monticule during qu' it moves in top and bottom with the d' group; bytes downwards, when the patient drinks some liquids. The patient can feel the goître, because the normal thyroid size one increased puts the weight on the trachea, making it difficult to take breaths or d' to swallow food.

The thyroid one increased can also cause some croakiness during qu' it presses on nerves in the neck. The majority of goître are not caused by the irregular operation of thyroid gland and name the goître not-poisons; however, there are goître been dependent on l' hyperthyroidism or with l' hypothyroidism. The females are the most likely d' to be afflicted with the goître not-poison, mainly during l' adolescence, with the menopause, or when they have a pregnancy. During these phases, the body needs more than output d' thyroid hormone but there can be produced unsatisfactory quantities.

Enlarged Thyroid the not-poison is classified in two manners: endemic and sporadic. The endemic goître is caused by d' insufficiency; iodize in the mode, which has like consequence l' insufficiency of the synthesis d' hormone by the thyroid one. Without iodine, the thyroid one with the difficulty of maintaining the levels required of the T3 and T4 in the blood, which carries out pituitary gland to push thyroid gland in producing d' more; hormones.

The sporadic goître, d' a share, occurs by chance, and is related to the consumption of great quantities of foods goitrogenes or l' use of drugs goitrogenes. The goitrogenes in these foods or drugs tend to reduce the T4 production. The Swedish turnips, soya, the cabbage, the peas, fishings, the spinaches, the radishes and the strawberries are certain foods goitrogenes. Drugs goitrogenes include the iodides, cobalt, lithium, the propylthiouracile, phenylbutazone, and l' acid aminosalicylic. The signs and the symptoms of the goître increased not-poison include: stridor (a noise of râpage produced while inhaling or while exhaling because of the abnormal contracting of the trachea by the goître); the respiratory difficulties and the dysphagie, like trachea and oesophagus are compressed; thyroid individual-- or multi-nodular, or irregularly increased; and, giddiness (or syncopates) induced by raising the arms above the head, caused by flow of blood from top to bottom blocked in the veins.

By treating thyroid increased the not-poison, the goal of the doctors is to reduce the thyroid hyperplasia. The replacement d' hormone, mode, radiation and sometimes, surgery, are the treatment for the thyroid one increased or goître not-poison.


1 comment:

Doctoroo said...

It is a nice blog. Great information about Thyroid. Thanks
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